Name: Zeke Agarwal

Species: Parasite

Age: 23

Theme: Weapon of Choice

Gender: Non-Binary (He/Him)

Orientation: Unlabeled

Occupation: Librarian

Voice Claim: Patrick Stump

A reserved, paranoid and calculated parasite who is new to the idea of “being his own person”. After months of being used to overseeing the hive that formed in Rackethill, he’s finally quit and decided to focus on himself— but now he’s a bit lost. Regardless, he tries to hide it with his reclusive personality. He is both scared of and uninterested in humans, so he tries to avoid interacting with them when he can. He’s polite, but his statements are often hollow; he avoids long conversations because he gets awkward easily. Unfortunately for him, Luna loves human culture, so he is often pushed past his comfort zone. Underneath his antisocial exterior, Zeke has quite a bit of confidence that shines when he gets in his element. Zeke likes to be in control of situations, and when he is, he’s much more aggressive and intimidating. He tries to keep this a secret, but he has a sociopathic streak and likes to infect and murder humans in the name of “studying them”, but doesn’t particularly care if humans want that.