The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals is a horror comedy musical made by Starkid, a theatre group! You can watch the official full musical on Youtube for free, right now, go watch it RIGHT NOW!!! (Warning, there's a few scenes with fake gore and blood!)
Meet Paul Matthews: an average guy living in a little town in Michigan called Hatchetfield. He's a simple man who just wants to go through his typical routine; going to work, bantering with his coworkers, and walking an extra block to a crappy coffee shop just to occasionally see his crush Emma Perkins. Emma is a barista trying to make ends meet while she goes through school, trying to figure out what to make of herself. The two of them are able to briefly connect upon officially meeting; until both their and the lives of everyone in Hatchetfield is thrown off when a meteor crashes right into a theatre in town! When people start singing and dancing the next day, Paul is very concerned, because he hates musicals! Now it's up to him, Emma, and Paul's coworkers to find out what's really happening to everyone in town AND stop it before it's too late!
There's a ton of crazy things that happen in the story; it's got romance, relationship drama, villain songs, and murder (like any good musical should have). TGWDLM is very silly and most of it is comedic, but there's a lot of scenes when things get a little serious; both emotionally and stakes-wise. The characters are very kooky and entertaining, the songs are catchy, and the plot is very intresting! The situation of the world becoming a musical seems pretty harmless at the surface, but when you think about the implications, it's a lot weirder and scarier than it sounds. That's basically what the entire musical is about!
If you like the musical and want to know more about the town or secondary characters, Starkid has an entire series that takes place in Hatchetfield! There's two other musicals (Black Friday and Nerdy Prudes Must Die), and two seasons of the series Nightmare Time. Personally I'm not quite as interested in the rest of the series, but I put this here in case anyone's curious!
GRAAAAHHHH!!!! I LOVE THIS MUSICAL SOOOOO MUCH!!! TGWDLM is hands down one of my favorite pieces of media of all time, and it's definetely up there with The Spongebob Musical as a tie for my favorite musical overall. It's just so good! There's so much charm to it; the acting is great, the songs are catchy, and the characters are very fun (I love it when there's a bunch of characters who are all assholes in some way). The story is SO interesting to me- I'm not a huge horror person but this hits the very specific niche of horror that I enjoy, and it does it so well that it got me into writing horror elements into my stories. And the ending is for sure one of my favorite scenes from anything ever as well. I've rewatched it a LOT, I always feel like I can just put it on and enjoy it when I need something familiar- that, or even just listening to the cast album. I can, will, and already have studied this show under a microscope- there's just so many elements I enjoy! I'm trying my best not to spoil what I like about it so much so I can convince people to watch it!!!
How I got into TGWDLM is an interesting story, actually. I already knew Starkid; in 2018 I watched Firebringer thanks to the "I don't really wanna do the work today" scene. You know, that clip. So I was definitely aware of their existence! But I didn't actually watch TGWDLM (or really any of their other stuff) until March 2021; TGWDLM had popped up on my Youtube reccomended, and I had just came out of the Great Musical Fixations (yes there were multiple fixations) of 2020, so I was interested in watching a new musical! Instead of doing my work for my theatre class I instead watched all two hours of it at once. Needless to say, it left a huge impression on me! Even years later I feel like my love and appreciation for it hasn't wavered. Every few months I'll re-fixate on it, which is kind of telling how much I love it and how much of a comfort thing it is for me. Not sure what part of it specifically scratched an itch in my brain, but it did, and I am not turning back anytime soon!
I haven't drawn a ton of fanart for TGWDLM, which is sort of weird because it's one of my favorite things Ever. I plan to change that in the future, of course!
December 2022; No joke this was my first piece of fanart for the show, despite it being from after a year and 3/4ths after watching it. Paul my beloved!!
Febuary 2023; I love these goobers BFJHKJD
March 2023; Paul! He's so fun to doodle even though he is so so stressed. He is indeed having a weird fucking time

Febuary 2023; I think about Paul and Emma all the time they are soooo
Febuary 2023; Here's a bunch of doodles from while I was watching through the show again :)